Simple Wordpress API lisp client
I like old things, therefore I started to learn Lisp.
There isn't a better way to learn than by doing, so I tried to implement a client for the wordpress api. the result, even if not complete yet, it's so elegant that I'd like to share it.
(require 's-xml-rpc) (defpackage :wp (:use :cl :cl-user :s-xml-rpc)) (in-package :wp) (defparameter +interfaces+ '((get-blogs "wp.getUsersBlogs" username password) (get-tags "wp.getTags" blog-id username password) (get-comment-count "wp.getCommentCount" blog-id username password post-id) (get-post-status-list "wp.getPostStatusList" blog-id username password) (get-page-status-list "wp.getPageStatusList" blog-id username password) (get-page-templates "wp.getPageTemplates" blog-id username password) (get-options "wp.getOptions" blog-id username password) (delete-comment "wp.deleteComment" blog-id username password comment-id) (get-comment-status-list "wp.getCommentStatusList" blog-id username password) (get-page "wp.getPage" blog-id page-id username password) (get-pages "wp.getPages" blog-id username password) (get-page-list "wp.getPageList" blog-id username password) (delete-page "wp.deletePage" blog-id username password page-id) (get-authors "wp.getAuthors" blog-id username password) (get-categories "wp.getCategories" blog-id username password) (delete-category "wp.deleteCategory" blog-id username password category-id) (suggest-categories "wp.suggestCategories" blog-id username password category max-results) (get-comment "wp.getComment" blog-id username password comment-id)) "Interface definition to WP services") (defun defunwp (params) (destructuring-bind (name service &rest rest) params (setf (fdefinition name) (compile nil `(lambda (host ,@rest &optional (url "/xmlrpc.php")) (block ,name (xml-rpc-call (encode-xml-rpc-call ,service ,@rest) :host host :url url))))) name)) (mapcar #'(lambda (interface) (export (defunwp interface))) +interfaces+)
It uses the s-xml-rpc package and I've tested it with SBCL.
Example usage is as follows:
(wp:get-blogs "" "your-username" "your-password") ; returns the list of blogs for the user (wp:get-pages "" your-blog-id "your-username" "your-password") ; returns the list of pages
And so on (see wp::+interfaces+
for function names and required params).